Tuesday, November 20, 2012

It is our responsibility to teach the children...

And by children, I am referring to a select group of men, boys, dudes in their 20's who have no clue.

You know these males; they are your brothers, cousins, co-workers and maybe your friends. Again, this is a gross generalization of the type of males that have crossed my path lately. And if they've crossed my path, they have likely steamrolled themselves over you too.  It is not an entirely new phenomenon, coming across these specimens- as they have existed way before the time of the 30-something civilized male. If nature and nurture work in harmony, they will create the respectful 30-something year old. If we let nature, nurture and our slutty ways get out of hand- we will be left with 20-something assholes turning into 30-something assholes that you will be forced to marry because that is all that will be left in society. There have been a lot of natural disasters lately (SANDY, you bitch!!) and this could go right to the top of the list if we don't act upon it now!!! So I ask you, my fellow women of all ages- to join me in this movement to put these 20-something creatures in their place so they will grow into men we want/deserve/desire to be with when we are finally ready to settle down.

Some may ask, why are women in their 30's dating these younger men? And to that I say, please read my previous blog posts (ahem, pity anyone??!!), but seriously- we strive to be open-minded women and not close ourselves off to opportunities. That is what a mature adult does. Well a mature adult female should also tell these younger men to GTFO (is that a real abbreviation, you know I am not hip to the lingo) or STFU (now that I know is real one ;-).  A situation arose in which a friend of mine went on a date with one of these dudes, and that is what prompted this revolutionary thought process. He was a seemingly stable person, had a job, a house, 2 boats, a motorcycle and ferrets (Yup, you read that correctly. He voluntarily shared the fact that he owned not 1, but 2 ferrets). She knew this because he told her all of this within 3 minutes of meeting her. We got to thinking about how or why he thought that this would be attractive to us, the educated, responsible 30-something year old woman. And here is what we came up with:

We let this happen. When we were in our late teens and twenties, we swooned over the guys that had the cars, were in a band and had enough money to buy us some Mad Dog 20/20. That was hot back in the day. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Let's talk about the things we let them get away with. Sure, you can take my car and drive to upstate New York to buy some weed. No problem, I love you and I trust you. Of course I will give you a blow job and then buy you dinner at Applebee's, you make me feel wanted! Yes, you can move in with me and not pay any rent- I can't live without you! Like I said, we let all of this happen and it has caused the current crop of 20-something year old men to feel entitled to treat us like shit. So I ask you all, for the sake of your future and mine- to try and put a stop to this.

We should all go about this strategically. Keep your wits about you, but it is time to put these boys in their place. It is not okay to sleep with us and never call us again. And no we are not PSYCHO for calling you out for it- we are just doing our part to groom you for the next girl that is unlucky enough to date you. The world is a volatile place and hurricanes and earthquakes are killing off people left and right, so we need to do some doomsday prep and teach these men a lesson.

Back to ferret guy. He also sent a pic of himself with a dead bambi that he had murdered with a cross bow. So when I suggested she tell him to GTFO, she thought otherwise- he has weapons and obviously isn't afraid to kill things. Ain't nobody got time for that.

*This is the actual picture of the ferrets. C'mon, really?!?!?

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